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An event aimed at raising the legal literacy of the population was held in Andijan
In accordance with the Presidential Decree of 10 September 2021 ‘On measures to improve the work of the Authorized person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman), one of the priorities of the Ombudsman's work is to acquaint the public with the content of the regulatory legal instruments, thereby increasing the population's legal literacy and contributing to a better legal culture.

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Oliy Majlis (Ombudsman) pays particular attention to raising the legal awareness of the population. As the analysis of appeals received by the Ombudsman in recent years shows the need to inform about reforms to strengthen the social protection of the population and improve living conditions. Therefore, starting from 2022, the project "Ombudsman School" is being implemented in remote areas of the Republic, aimed at raising awareness of the population about the opportunities and advantages created for citizens.

The next event under the project was held on 27 October 2023 in Shakhrikhan district of Anijan province. It included about 250 citizens living in the "Abdusamad", "Yakka Tut", "Uzbekistan", "Navruz", "Yangiabad", "Teraktagi", and "Nomozgoh" mahallas of the district.

At the event, which took place in the form of a free dialogue with citizens, the participants received detailed answers to all their questions. The event touched upon the procedure for receiving child allowance, housing and material assistance, as well as other social issues.

Gulnara Abduvahidova, regional representative of the Ombudsman in Andijan region, received citizens' appeals within the framework of the "Ombudsman School" project.

Press Service of the Oliy Majlis Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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