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Independent Commission’s official statement on the untimely death of Polat Shamshetov
As previously reported, members of the Commission for the Study of Circumstances and Events in the Republic of Karakalpakstan visited the pre-trial detention center No.4 in order to establish the causes of Polat Shamshetov’s death. The inspectors inquired into the conditions in the detention center, video camera recordings, a preliminary medical report and other relevant documents. In addition, inmates of the deceased and the detention center personnel were interviewed.

The inmates said that on February 3, after breakfast, they with P.Shamshetov repeatedly re-read and discussed the court verdict in the cell, took a walk after lunch and then returned to the cell. According to them, those days Shamshetov smoked a lot, and it became harder for him to breathe. That day he looked extremely worried, and suddenly lost consciousness in front of them.

The video recordings clearly reflect Shamshetov’s actions on that day, the operational dealings of sanitary and hygienic service personnel and of the ambulance.

On February 4, at 1:50 a.m., Shamshetov’s health deteriorated, the cellmates called the doctor of the detention center medical unit. Prisoner Shamshetov was unconscious when senior sergeant D.Temirov, the paramedic of the detention center medical unit, came to the cell. At 2:15 a.m, when the ambulance doctor A.Gafurov and paramedic M.Rahmonov of the Bukhara regional branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Aid arrived, they was found that the prisoner Shamshetov was in a state of biological death.

During the study, video recordings of examinations conducted by the forensic medical examination of the Bukhara region were also analyzed.

Apart from that, on the day of Shamshetov’s death, in order to establish the causes of death, the Commission members received essential information from the ambulance doctor A.Gafurov and paramedic M.Rahmonov, both from the Bukhara regional branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Aid, as well as specialists from the Bukhara regional branch of the Republican Center for Forensic-Medical Examination, who conducted a forensic medical examination.

In addition, the Commission looked into the nutrition of prisoners in accordance with the approved menu and the conditions in the kitchen. It was established in the course of the study that the information about the possible use of mental or physical torture against P.Shamshetov is groundless.

Members of the Commission express condolences to the family members and relatives of the deceased.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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