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The rights of a group of citizens to receive medical care are ensured - Ombudsman
The regional representative of the Commissioner of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Fergana region, Alisher Kamilov, was contacted by residents of the city of Kuvasay, MFC "Kalacha" due to the lack of a rural medical center in the mahalla, which is why they are forced to travel long distances to receive medical care.

The applicants reported that they repeatedly applied to the relevant authorities with a request to open a SVP by repairing the unused old buildings of the district assembly of citizens, and, having received no results, they applied to the ombudsman institution. It was reported that the absence of medical center near the mahalla causes inconvenience to elderly and pregnant women, as well as women with small children.

This appeal was taken under the control of the regional representative of the Ombudsman and sent to the khokimiyat of the city of Kuvasay and the regional health department with a request to create conditions for citizens to receive medical services.

As a result of this appeal, one of the old unused buildings of the "Kalacha" mahalla was repaired and the Kalachinsky medical center was created.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)


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