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Members of the Сommission regularly receive citizens' appeals regarding the situation in Karakalpakstan
Members of the commission for studying the situation and events in the Republic of Karakalpakstan regularly receive citizens at the working headquarters of the commission. Each appeal received is under the control of the Commission and appropriate measures are determined.

About 10 citizens applied on September 7 this year. Relatives of persons suspected of participating in the rallies expressed regret over the actions of citizens in connection with the events that took place in Karakalpakstan and asked for help, taking into account their family circumstances.

Citizens' appeals are also accepted by the call center with the short number 1374, which was launched at the initiative of the Commission.

We also remind you that you can send an online application to the Independent Commission through @Independentuzb_bot.

 Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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