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The regional representative of the Authorized Person for Human Rights in the Syrdarya region assisted in resolving citizens' appeals on issues of excessive debt and obtaining a referral
The regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in the Syrdarya region on working with citizens' appeals has established effective interaction with the People's Reception Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Syrdarya region.

Within the framework of this cooperation, the appeal of citizen N.D., who lives on the street Bogichaman of the “Ilgor” mahalla, who arrived at the reception of citizens, held by the People's Reception Office of the Syrdarya region, was positively resolved. He asked for help in obtaining a medical referral for treatment for asthma. After the appeal of the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Syrdarya region Shukhrat Alimov to the relevant state organizations, a referral was issued to the citizen.

Also, a resident of the mahalla Elobod, Syrdarya district, filed a complaint about debts accrued for consumed electricity. When studying the appeal with the district power grid enterprise, the citizen's appeal was recognized as justified, his debt was liquidated.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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