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Оwing to the intervention of the Ombudsman, an act of humanism was applied to 53 convicts
The helpline of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) received 28 appeals from persons serving sentences in colony No 43, 25 appeals from colony No 50 in the Tashkent region and 8 from persons serving sentences in colony No 38 of the Samarkand region. These appeals indicate that, despite the fact that the convicts served part of the sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty, an act of humanism was not applied to them.

The appeals were considered by the Authorized Person for Human Rights, requests for correction of the situation were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Supreme Court, and their execution was taken under control.

As a result, by decision of the relevant criminal courts the sentences of 48 convicts were commuted to correctional work, the sentences of 3 convicts to suspended sentences, and the sentences of 2 convicts to restriction of freedom.

With regard to the remaining 8 convicts, the act of humanism was not applied in connection with bringing to disciplinary responsibility.

It is important to note that articles 73, 74 and 89 of the Criminal Code provide for the procedure of conditional release or mitigation of punishment.

Лица содержащиеся в местах содержания лиц с ограниченной свободой передвижения, на гауптвахтах, в дисциплинарных частях, следственных изоляторах, колониях исполнения наказания и учреждениях принудительного лечения, и их близкие родственники могут обратиться к Упономоченному по “Горячей линии” Омбудсмана с коротким номером “10-96“, посредством «ящиков Омбудсмана», установленных в этих учреждениях и отправить свое обращение на электронный адрес .

Persons detained in places of limited freedom of movement, in guardhouses, disciplinary cells, pre-trial detention centers, penal colonies and institutions for compulsory treatment and their close relatives may apply to the Ombudsman's helpline with the short number "10-96", through the “Ombudsman boxes” installed in these institutions and send their appeals to the email address .

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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