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Ombudsman: Employees need to be paid on time
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (ombudsman) received a complaint of non-payment of wages from a resident of H.A., Forish district, Jizzax province.

According to the complainant, the workers of the Forish district branch of Jizzak Water Supply LLC had not been paid their salaries for three months. When the workers demanded their salaries, the chief accountants of the district and province explained that this was because the organisation had received a loan.

However, Article 161 of the Labour Code provides that pay conditions shall be determined by collective agreement or other local normative document and may not be less than once every half a month.

Following the ombudsman's inspection, the employees were paid three months' wages. According to the complainant, the workers are now being paid their wages without delay.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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