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Ombudsman and his community groups studied the conditions in the penal colony No. 11 in Navoi
In the decision of the Head of State "On additional measures to identify cases of torture and improve the system for their prevention" of June 26, 2021, Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) established a system of monitoring visits to places where persons with restricted freedom of movement are held, in order to prevent torture, together with representatives of the public.

Accordingly, the Ombudsman and the members of the Community groups for the detection and prevention of cases of torture under him made a monitoring visit to the penal colony No. 11 in the city of Navoi.

Senators and deputies, representatives of non-governmental non-profit organizations and civil society institutions, including the nationwide movement "Yuksalish", representatives of the social information center "Istiqbolli Avlod" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the mass media, took part in the monitoring and got acquainted with the conditions in the institution.

During the visit, conditions in the colony's beds, kitchen, library, treatment department, long-term and short-term meeting rooms, production area were studied.

It is known that about 86 percent of the convicts in the colony are employed. There are a total of 13 workshops specializing in tailoring, carpentry, construction products, soft furniture making and other trades in the territory of the institution. During the conversation with the prisoners, they said that they have no complaints about the working conditions and that they receive their monthly salaries on time.

In 2022, the Ombudsman, in cooperation with the prosecutor general's office, the Ministry of internal affairs and the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights, developed a "road map" to achieve results in the work on the Prevention of torture, as well as to coordinate the conditions created for convicts (prisoners) who cannot move freely due to their disability.  In this monitoring, special attention was paid to this "road map" mainly to the conditions created for convicts with disabilities. Members of the community group witnessed the installation of ramps in accordance with the appropriate standard at the entrances to buildings for the free movement of persons with disabilities, the presence of Braille books in the library as well, and, in addition, special conditions were created in the washrooms.

Also, "Ombudsman boxes" were inspected and appeals were taken for study.

As part of the Monitoring, collective and individual conversations with convicts were conducted.

In order to ensure timely elimination of the shortcomings identified during the Monitoring visit, recommendations of the Ombudsman are introduced to the responsible ministries and departments.

It should be recalled that analytical data prepared by the Ombudsman on the results of monitoring visits for the prevention of torture, including shortcomings identified in the monitoring process, are submitted to the Chamber of the Oliy Majlis together with the relevant government bodies.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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